The front fields have been cut, and I expect they will be raked tomorrow and maybe even baled. Not sure about the back fields though, I have not been back there. We are doing this on-halves. Pauline and Hubert cut, rake and bale, and they get half of the bales. Everybody wins! I still have HUNDREDS of bales from the past two years, so I will keep this years hay (hopefully there will be another cutting) and sell the older hay. It's good for fiber, not so good for nutrition. When you feed cattle old hay, you have to give them supplements for the nutritional needs. You guys didn't know I was THAT much of a farmer, did you. But...I can spin a pretty good tale, fake most of you out. There are a couple of you that know I haven't got a freakin' clue what I am talking about, but it makes for good stories.
Tonight is the full moon, thanks Helen for warning us. It is the 'Strawberry Moon', and I am hoping to get some good photos later when I go to put the girls to bed. The moon is also supposed to be really close to Saturn, so maybe that will make some interesting photographic documentation. I will use the ZOOM on my iPhone, so of course it will be perfectly clear. My cousin Susan seems to be quite the astronomer, so I may ask her for permission to re-post some of her stuff.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, HAY, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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