Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Volume 12 - Day 64/302, 2020 - Wednesday

Technically speaking, the weather forecast was accurate. There was rain forecast to arrive 'after midnight,' and I guess six hours 'after midnight' is technically 'after midnight.' I left the house this morning at 6:06 in the morning, and arrived at my class at 8:40. It was a little bit of crazy weather, but some of the drivers were crazier than the weather. I drive like a little old granny when I am driving in the dark and it is raining like crazy. Add to that the frequent lightning and thunder, and I am a cluster in the drivers seat. I don't like it. Just after I graduated from high school, and I would drive from Memphis back to Michigan for the weekend, all that driving was done in the dark. I just did not know any better. Now I do, and I still don't care much for it. But I digress...I made it to the board, presented the class information, and got back home with no casualties. That is really all that is necessary. AND...I can sleep in a little while tomorrow morning!

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