Saturday, March 7, 2020

Volume 12 - Day 67/299, 2020 - Saturday

It is not fair to say I did little of nothing today. I stayed in bed until almost 7 o'clock. I drank coffee. I took the girls for a ride. I did laundry. I messed with the chickens. I tried to avoid all reports of the coronavirus. I ate a variety of crap. I took a couple naps. I set most of the clocks forward already. I thought of something interesting to photograph for this journal entry, and came up with nothing. I found a couple things in the public domain, and decided on the attached image. I did a little bit of closet cleaning, and a little bit of drawer cleaning. I decided old people will actually be better off if they contract the coronavirus, because we read newspapers, and if there is indeed a global shortage of toilet tissue, we can just quit recycling the newspapers and use them. I think that is a distinct advantage. I looked for some misplaced items, and did not find them. I put water in the bird baths. I walked up to the road and got the mail. I considered going to a couple estate sales, but decided I would wait until tomorrow. I shredded a bunch of stuff. Did I mention that I did laundry? That was be biggest accomplishment of the day.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you reminding me to change the clocks! My walking partner, indirectly, thanks you too since I will show up on time this morning
