My drive to and from Bryan/College Station (yes, I went to both today) was kind of nostalgic. I was in parts of Texas that I used to frequent , but haven't been in those areas in several years. It was fun and interesting, and I thought about things I had not thought about in a while. There was no walk for me this morning, I needed to leave the house at 7 o'clock to make sure I got to the meeting by 9:30. I got there in plenty of time and had extra time to visit with friends and colleagues that I have not seen for a while. I learned lots of interesting things and I got two hours of CE credit to boot! I stopped by College Station on the way home, I have followed a watch repair man from Austin to College Station. I had one of my watches cleaned and checked out a while back, and it never did run right since that time. I was in the 'hood, and called in advance, and got the watch looked at. It seems there was a 'loose screw' which was causing the problem, and it is all fixed now and ticking itself as intended. No charge! I did finish my latest book,
Someone Else's Shoes, and I'm happy to recommend it if you are looking for a fun read. I'm still happy with the results I have seen with the hummingbird feeders in the last week, and I hope you enjoy this quick pic. No, I am not going to mention the fact that it is hotter than hell here in central Texas, if you want to know, turn on the tv.
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