ALDI: How do I hate thee, let me count the ways. I don't carry change in my pocket, and at the register, they refused to give me change for a dollar. I get it that they don't want to open the register willy-nilly, but it is their rule, not mine. I finally got change, got my cart, but there were only a couple things that I was there for, and they did not have the most important stuff. I went to ALDI because I thought, since it is a small facility, I could be in and out, no problem. Nope. Whatever. I was supposed to give platelets today, but I should probably re-think giving on a Monday, when I spent the weekend eating nothing but ice cream and pie. Now I am on a binge to get my hemoglobin (a protein produced by bone marrow that is stored in red blood cells) count back up to an acceptable level. I made another appointment for Thursday, so I will let you know if it works. Additionally, today was a crazy day, and even though I had no real confrontations with anyone, I feel like I am at the point that I should quit interacting with people. It is not a good feeling, and I will most likely feel better about the whole thing tomorrow. Maybe.
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