You can't see my journal posting from last night, because some robots at Facebook deleted it. I am protesting, but I doubt it will do any good, there is no fighting an algorithm. City Hall has become easier to fight, but not Facebook. It was deleted because I included the name of our book club selection for July. I cannot (apparently) risk including the name of the book in this post, but if you are interested, look for a book written in 2016 by David Duchovny. Yes, that guy. He wrote the book, and it has been released as a movie a couple weeks ago, that is how I heard of the book. So, for the immediate future, our book club selection for July, 2024 is
A Book Whose Name Shall Not Be Said. You can also send me a private message and I will supply you with the link to blogspot where my journal is housed. I just cannot provide that link on this Facebook, either. I have always had issues with authority figures. Oh, well. Today is Friday, and I like Friday's. We had a nice walk in the morning, then it was off to the office. I gave double platelets this afternoon, and my hemoglobin level is now up to 13.7, so that is a good thing. I got home about 4 o'clock, tried to go down for a nap, but that didn't work. Later, Jimmie and Linda and their grandson Wells came down to visit, and then we went for ice cream. All-in-all, a good day. Let's talk about the picture accompanying this post. Last night, at book club, I won one of the door prizes. Since the Jone book club selection was about cherries, cherry trees and all things cherry, I won a LED Neon Sign in the shape of two cherries. The picture accompanying this post is one of the disclosures on the front of the box. I am just a little bit nervous about exploding cherries.
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