I did get a lot of stuff done today: pulled some weeds, trimmed the crepe Myrtle, trimmed the morning glories, moved one pot of morning glories so they don't burn up from the heat, went back to one of the estate sales I went to yesterday (bought nothing), bought some donuts, brushed burrs off of Callie's ears, and some this and that. I did manage to work in a couple naps, and then I would have another burst of energy. I also cleaned the humming bird feeders and put new syrup in them, and put them back out on the back patio. I am about to give up on the hummers for this year, but then I feel bad about having those feelings. BUT...I am happy with all the stuff I got done. Later in the afternoon, Val, Paulina and Oliver come over, talked about Europe (Paulina and Oliver just returned yesterday) and then we went to Fish City Grill for dinner. I am home now, taking it easy, watching a re-run (maybe) of 60 Minutes, and getting ready to finish the day. I is still hot, and there may be a hurricane (Beryl) headed for Playa. It will all be okay, and tomorrow is the exact middle of 2024. Enjoy! The other wildlife around appreciate the various water spots I have spread around, and I appreciate the opportunity to make it available.
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