Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Volume 16 - Dy 157/209, 2024 - Wednesday

Well. everything is almost back to normal. I spent a good bit of time this afternoon starting the clocks. It is not good to let the clocks wind down completely, so I stopped all the clocks (except one) before I left for Playa. I think most of them are back running now. A couple of the clocks are being a little finicky, including Jody's Grandfather clock. It will all be okay. The only clock I didn't stop is the one in my bedroom, and that is because that clock is a 31 day clock. More than you wanted to know about my clocks. Did I mention to you that the Piglet decided she would be plagued by constipation while we were in Mexico? I didn't think so, but I have discovered the miracle that is canned pumpkin. Who knew? She is doing better, and now I am giving both the girls a little bit of pumpkin with their food once a day. Can't hurt, according to Dr. Google. It rained on the way in to the office this morning, and that was nice. I am always open for a bit of rain. Points north and south of us had had a LOT of rain, flooding, and damage of all sorts. Fingers crossed, we have been lucky in this part of Texas. I had a few things to catch up on today, and I have completed most of it, I will get the rest done before the end of the week.

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