I heard on the radio news this afternoon that the northeast United States declared this the hottest summer on record. They act like it is over with. I don't know about the rest of you, but summer in Texas does not really end until the second week of October. So, all I can say is, it ain't over til it's over...
I had to go into the office this morning, and on the way back, Jody and I stopped at Target in Georgetown, and (of course) that meant we were already there so we may as well stop at the Dairy Queen, and so we did. For the first time this summer, we are actually watering some of the beds, seeing what we can save. It seems La Nina is back in the Pacific, so we may never get any rain again. This is just the cycle, but the swings seem to be more severe than before. We shall see...

After naps, we discovered that our neighbor to the east had brought some of his cattle from another pasture over to this property, which included his bull. WELL! Mr. Speckles was not at all happy about that, so to keep him from crazily posturing about that development, I moved our cattle to the other pasture, further away from the other bull. Generally, Speckles will posture for a couple hours, then they both pretty much go on about their respective business.

We made it to the Catfish Parlour in time for the senior specials (okay they don't have a senior special, but we got there at about 3:45). We were one of about four tables in the restaurant, and as we got settled and were eating our main course, a lady not far from us decided to have a spell of some sort. Not sure if I was a seizure or what (I heard the words stroke, pupils, blood pressure and a few others), but by the time the paramedics and firemen arrived, she seemed to be feeling better and was able to take a sip of water. They took her off in the ambulance anyway. We went outside (and wished we had ordered dessert) to discover the fire truck and ambulance both had us blocked it. It was only a few minutes, and we were off to HEB.
I will be teaching classes for the next two days, so those will be long days.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BULLS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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