A pretty good day today, stayed in bed pretty late, got up, read meters, made coffee, read the paper and went outside to start getting things done.

1. Moved the cattle troughs into the current pasture, and gave the cattle some cubes and then moved a fresh bale of hay into their pasture. That was a process that took an hour, but those things always take some time. I also hung out a little while with them, which is something I am going to try and do more of. This is a picture of Violet and her calf. We do not have a 'fer shure' name for this calf yet, but I am leaning towards something with 'Fawn' in it, because of her light brown color, which reminds me of a fawn. Violet was our 'first born' and I have a special place in my heart for her, and 'Fawn' is her first born, so the same thing goes for her. Violet is a very small cow, compared to the others, and I don't know if this calf will be small too, but she is only several months old, and already almost as big as her mama.
2. Went out and cleaned the chicken coop and put in another roost inside the coop for the girls. I also had to block off some areas in the coop where the chickens could have gotten access to the rest of the shed. Not a problem before, but this roost I installed is pretty high, and the larger the girls get, the higher they can get, so I blocked those areas with wire. They should not be able to get into the rest of the shed now, and if they do, I think they might be pretty bloody chickens. Hope not.

3. Took this photo of the morning glories. They have really done well this year, and so far we have been able to keep the yard guys from cutting them down. I really like morning glories, and this year has been good for them. I planted some four o'clocks a couple times this year, and the first set were pulled up be the yard guys. CRAP! I threatened them after I planted the second set, and they are (for the most part) coming up nicely and budding very nicely, but they really are not blooming. It may be just too hot for them, I am just not sure. BUT, they have a lovely fragrance and I really like the scent. Wonderful!
4. Went into Taylor today for the specific purpose of having a spoiler. Mission accomplished.

5. On the way home from Taylor, we drove through Granger. Granger is really a much nicer 'little town' than Bartlett is. Bartlett seems like the red-headed-step-child, and just seems like a sad little place. The Mayor and City Council members were all at it again last week in Bartlett, and no one seems to be happy about being in Bartlett. On the other hand, Granger seems very nice, it looks like people take more pride in everything, and it is just a nice little town. I love this store; it is falling in upon itself, but it looks like it was a glorious spot at one point. And according to the signs, they covered pretty much what needed to be done.
6. Took a nap.
That is about it for the day. We are going in to Georgetown for dinner tonight, we have coupons for Souper Salad, so that will be fun.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CHICKEN ROOSTS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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