Part of the day (and part of last night) in photos...sort of...except for the narrative parts...and the parts with no pictures...whatever...

This is a picture of the little swallow that fell (or was pushed) out of the nest last night. We put it in this flower pot by the front door, and it immediately got itself up, hopped up on the rim of the pot, and crashed to earth once again. Jody picked it back up and put it back in the pot. When I went out to put the chickens to bed, it was still in the pot, but when we got up this morning, there was no sign of the fledgling, but the good news is, there was no sign of a body, either. Hopefully it made it and all is well. Okay, at least we can think that, again, since there was no body.

There was another beautiful sunrise this morning when I was out getting the paper and reading the meters. Very nice. There was also a nice sunset the last couple nights, but by the time I spied them, I was already pretty much retired for the evening. LAZY! Whatever...
One of my goals for the day was to get one side of the berm (strip of ground along a dike; a narrow shelf or path or ledge, typically at the top or bottom of a slope; a mound or wall of earth) shredded this morning, before I did much of anything else. Try to get that done before it gets too hot, and I pretty much succeeded. My plan to attack the berm on an angle did not work, and I was not in the mood to have the tractor turn over on top of me, so I just attacked the sides straight on, and just cut the berm at a 90 degree angle. Still was kind of scary (I am not really a brave person), but it worked, and now one side of the berm is cut. The other side of the berm is much steeper, and goes off into what is now a dry tank (stock tank), so I am still pondering on how to get that side of it cut.

When I went out initially, the Mule would not start, but I found that the battery cables were just loose, and after I tightened them, it started right away. I would not have been happy if I had to buy ANOTHER battery. BUT, that Mule is really a lifesaver (okay a foot saver) around here. Of course, the tractor was parked right near where all the cattle had gathered early this morning, so I took the opportunity for this group (partial group) shot. If you look closely kind of in the middle of the frame, the little black and white spot laying down is the newest calf (living up to her name 'Sleepy'), and you can see the white spot on her head. She is as cute as she can be.

Jody and I were heading off to Red Rock this morning, so I could check on the house down there, and put some salt in the water softener. Before we left, I went out to look at the Morning Glories, and just see what I could see. There is a HUGE spider web (goes along with the HUGE SPIDERS around here), that I have finally learned to avoid. The web only goes about half-way down from the top of the arbor, so it is possible to go UNDER the web, kind of like if you were doing the limbo. Whatever... ANYWAY, these spiders around here are REALLY BIG, so I just thought I would show you this one. Scary!
We made it down to Red Rock and back with no real troubles, and everything is going nicely down there. The property is back on the sales market, so I hope there will be some activity on it, it would be really nice to get the property sold. I have really mixed emotions about it, I really love that place, but it is 75 miles away from here (35 miles away from the office) and there is just no need for us to keep it. I do not really want to lease it out again, I would just like to get it sold and move on.
We did, however, make a stop at the Dairy Queen in Taylor for spoilers. The new flavor of the month for Blizzards is (who can remember) but it contained Oreos, brownies and lots of other chocolate things. I am sticking with my root beer freezes, thank you very much.

The sage is blooming up by the road again, and that is supposed to be a sign of rain. The sage is supposed to bloom before a rain, and so far I think that has been pretty accurate, so hopefully we will get some rain in the next few days. We can really use it. We need a couple inches of rain every month so things will not just fry. I would really like to get another cutting of hay before the end of the year, and if we could get some rain, that would be helpful.
Tomorrow, I have a couple goals; get my hair cut and try to find a couple pairs of pants. Nothing earth shattering!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, GIANT SPIDERS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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