We had a HOT FRONT come through today. Usually, when the wind direction changes, and the winds are coming out of the north, it is called a cold front. BUT NO! Today, the winds changed direction, and they are coming out of the north, and it is 97 degrees right now. A HOT FRONT! Whatever...
I had three meetings today, and I have to tell you, I left all three of them with a sense of accomplishment and that I did some good work. It is not every day that I can say that, but I am happy with the results I achieved today.

The chickens are all hot as well, and they were already in their coop when I went out to feed them. I mentioned to Jody yesterday that one of the chickens is actually quacking like a duck. It sounds very interesting. Then later on, I read that if there is not a Rooster in the flock, that one of the hens will cease to lay and take on the role of the Rooster and protector of the flock. Since none of our hens have begun to lay yet, I wonder if that one chicken is taking the dominant role in the flock. Very interesting.
I need to quit bragging about that fact that traffic has not been terrible with school going back, so I will not mention that today. I wonder how long that will last?
Tomorrow will be another busy day, and so will the rest of the week now that I am thinking about it. Next week I will be teaching classes the first two days of the week, and not sure what is scheduled after that.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, HOT CHICKS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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