Okay, I'm just sayin'...this is my 600th post to this blog. Is anybody out there?
We did not make it to the Filling Station last night, but we did go tonight. Very good! We will be sorry for the loss of that restaurant in Bartlett. That little town may just dry up and blow away. We shall see...
The day started out kind of late, but a few accomplishments were made. The snake was gone from the now dry fountain, so I got that cleaned. I also went out and cleaned the chickens water buckets, and gave them fresh water. And then I pulled a few weeds, and I found out that I am really not that good at pulling weeds, so I think it will soon be back to having the yard folks come out to pull the weeds. Knowing your limits is half of the battle.

I went out to feed the cattle and give them a fresh bale of hay. As I was doing that, I came upon these amorous grass-hoppers. Hopperus-Interuptus I believe is the technical term for this, but the larger female looks a little pale if you ask me. I'm just sayin'...

The cattle were happy to get their feed, and I found the fence to be shorted out in two different places. All that is taken care of and we are all back in business. All the cattle seem to be doing well, and the young ones seem to be thriving. This photo was chosen just to show you the incredible blue sky that was evident this morning. Just beautiful. Of course, by the mid-afternoon, the temperature here was 104 degrees, so things got a bit more pale. But anyway, it was delightful in the morning.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, GRASS HOPPERS EN FLAGRANTE, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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