There is a song in my head that I just cannot get out of there (lots of room for roaming). It is a boring little tune, and there is really only one verse and it goes something like this...IT'S HOT! Say that three or four hundred times within just a few hours, and you will get my drift. It has finally reached the 100 degree mark in central Texas, and it does not look like it will be going away any time soon. The forecast for the next seven days is 100-101 for the highs and 77-78 for the lows. Typical. It is not as bad as last year though. That is a catchy little tune in and of itself.
I was in the office almost all of the day today, and only ventured out to go to one appointment. IT IS HOT! Okay, try to get used to that. AND, I did not have anything for lunch other than the snacky stuff that various folks brought into the office from different functions over the weekend. SO, now that I am home Jody is fixing me a meat-loaf sammich for dinner. YUM!

Jody let the chickens loose this afternoon about 3 o'clock, and during the national news I went out to feed them. There was only one chicken in evidence, and I finally found the rest of them up by the road under some low bushes, I am assuming it was cooler for them under that. They are now penned up again, and I will put them to bed about 8:30.
Tomorrow is another quiet day more or less. I thought I had an appointment in the afternoon, but it has been rescheduled for next week. It will be mostly an office week this week, and that is good, it will give me time to get things caught up. I will be teaching a class at the Board on Friday, and that will be fun!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, MEAT LOAF SAMMICHES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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