Thursday - meetings and Meals-On-Wheels and meetings. Meetings went well, and my Meals-On-Wheels was a refreshing change of pace. I only had four clients on my route today, and my client that is back from convalescing is doing and looking much healthier and happier this week. She has found a care-giver, and she seems very nice, and my client was in a much better frame of mind. All is well.
The chickens have now begun hanging out in the bamboo, so that is an interesting change. But, they seem perfectly happy and content, an I will go out in a little while and put them to bed.

The four o'clocks are still not blooming fully, although they are putting out lots and lots of buds, they just do not seem to be opening fully. They will be just absolutely beautiful if they ever decide to open up and act like four o'clocks! Reds, Pinks, Whites and Yellows. They should be very pretty, I hope so.

I put a fresh bale of hay out fr the cattle; I used the first of the hay that was baled this year. Last week I used the last of last years hay, and I am hoping we can get another cutting of hay this year. The cattle all converged on the hay while I was trying to get it ready for them, and Mr. Speckles was not at all cooperative. AND, since he is just a little bit bigger than me, he can get his way if he really wants it; and sometimes he really wants his own way. Whatever. Discretion is the better part of valor.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, FRESH HAY, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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