I'm a dirty boy. No really, I am a dirty, dirty boy. A DIRTY BOY! It has been pretty much an outside day today. I stayed in bed until after 6 o'clock, and I was pretty unsure of what I would be able to get accomplished, but I ended up getting LOTS of stuff done today. It was great that Miguel came out and helped me, and that is always good. Okay, really Miguel does most of the hard stuff, and I sit around and point this way and that, but I take credit for getting out there and working as well. Here is what we did today.
1. We took apart an old raised planting bed and put it down on the ground for a raised planting bed actually on the ground. What we had done a couple years ago was to fill a 4 x 8 box with potting soil to grow some vegetables, and that never worked. The frame is now on the ground with good dirt in it.
2. We expanded a raised bed that had been planted full of Iris and took out another berm that had Iris in them, and transplanted the Iris to beds up in the front of the house and bagged the other Iris for Miguel to take to his mother. We took the dirt from the berm and supplemented the expanded raised bed and took the rest of that dirt and put it in the raised bed in the back. Oh yeah, we also filled two 100 galvanized water troughs (not good for water anymore) and filled those with dirt to use as raised beds.

3. We moved the cattle out of one pasture and fed them, then we took a fresh bale of hay out to them. We also opened up the far back pasture, and discovered there was a water leak back there, and had to fix the PVC pipe before we could fill the far trough. The cattle are happy to have the far back pasture open to them, and that was a good move. The pasture where the tank is needs to have a rest from cattle for a while, so that will be good. It would also be nice if we could get a little bit of rain, but that might be pushing it a little bit. This is a picture of the newest little bull calf; his name is 'Cool Breeze' and he is really a good looking boy, destined (maybe) to join the Vienna Boys Choir, unless you know someone who would like a really nice Longhorn Bull with great lineage. Just let me know!

4. By this time, Jody and I had to go to Georgetown because we were in Hot Fudge Sundae denial. We pretty much solved that and we also went to the Georgetown Feed store to buy seed packets. I also went to Home Depot to pick up more supplies to have on hand just in case we have any more water leaks. I always try to have extra supplies just in case, you never know what is going to happen.
5. Once we got home, Jody and I planted the seeds; we have corn in the back along with two different kinds of squash. In the front, we have okra, two different kinds of Swiss chard, beets (YUM) and lettuce. We still have a couple tomato plants and some strawberries to put in, and I still need to plant the cantaloupe and watermelon seeds.
So, I think I can be forgiven for saying I am tired!
We got four eggs from the girls today, and I actually think one of the production reds has become the dominant chicken, as I had read about but had not actually seen the phenomena. She is not friendly to me, does not want to be petted and has a different call than the other girls. Interesting.

Here is the next-to-last entry of women's shoes for this year. the penultimate as it were. Finally! Tomorrow will be the final and I am really glad of that. HOWEVER, I cannot NOT finish something that I start. Somethings just do not take as long as other things to complete. I wonder if this is a trend? Who knows, who cares?
Deeds, Actions, Changes, FRESH VEGETABLES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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