Today was a really good day. I actually stayed in bed until after 7 o'clock, and got a really good nights sleep. Let me tell you about the dream I had last night. I had been to a party and met up with some friends of mine and we all had a pretty nice time. Left the party and was just going on about my business when suddenly a black car was travelling down a street and somehow the driver of the car lost control and became wedged between two concrete walls on the road and was blocking my path and everyone elses path as well. It was not an unhappy dream, but as I am putting it into words right now, it seems pretty obvious that someone is blocking my path. Interesting. Do you remember many of your dreams? While I was having the dream last night, I was consciously thinking I needed to remember the dream so I could write about it in this journal. CRAZY!
Anyway...I got up and read the paper, had my coffee and did all my retentive chores (reading meters, recording readings and letting the girls out of their coop. After all that, I made a nice egg loaf and we both enjoyed that. I had a bunch of chores to do, even though I did get a good bit of work done yesterday. I got the chicken coop cleaned out, and I came to the decision that chicken poop is a lot like only gets so deep. After about two or three weeks without having cleaned the coop, it did not seem to get much worse. Kind of like dust on the end table, after just a couple weeks it does not look too much dustier!
Anyway...after that, I cleaned out the wood stove. The temperatures are expected to cool off a little bit this week, with low temperatures to be in the 40's, so it will be another week or two that we may be able to have fires. We really like having the wood stove, and it is very nice to have a nice glass of wine by the fire.
Cleaning out the Martin houses was the next thing on the list, and we got one cleaned out and remounted and got the other house cleaned out, but had some challenges getting it back up properly. We did get everything put back up later on in the afternoon. I also got the two missing propellers on the air-show, this time with screws that are about eight inches long. Everything seems to be spinning nicely now, thanks very much.
We headed off to Georgetown for spoilers and made a few stops before and after. We had also dug up some Iris bulbs to take to the guy that manages the Dairy Queen; had had told us yesterday that he was afraid he had lost a lot of his bulbs in the recent cold weather. He was not there but we left them for him. After that, we stopped at Papa Murphy's Pizza to get a pizza to bring home. We had never been their before but the pizza and salad we got looks really good, and for $13 it was a pretty good deal. Time will tell...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, AIR SHOW, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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