A long and (somewhat) rewarding day that, if nothing else opened my little contact-less eyes to several issues that surround us on a daily basis. If it isn't one thing, it is another.
I got home this afternoon and went out to feed the chickens. Three eggs. Then Jody and I took off in the Mule to go check on the cattle. All is good beck there, I will need to feed them and take them some fresh hay this weekend. Minnie looks like she could drop just any minute now, and her teets have that waxy residue build-up that I was told to look for as a sign of pending calf-dom. Daphne and Doodle Bug are really looking like they are ready as well, so I am keeping a close watch on them.
On the way back to the house, Jody asked me to show him where the Owl Nest is. When we have been out there, my broad pinpointing of the nest with the flashlight had left him unsure of exactly where the nest was. SO, I went took him (still in the Mule) to show him where the nest was, and while we were both looking at the nest, she (the Own, we are assuming is a Mama with young-0nes) left the nest and we got a chance for a REALLY good look. She is a big one, that is for sure!
Tomorrow is another day.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, OWLS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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