Okay, back to an orderly journal entry...I hit the road about 7:30 this morning and I did not really have any trouble with the icy conditions that were being trumpeted on all the morning news stations. I think I left just at the right time. I have to admit, there were times when I seriously considered turning around, but for some reason, I went on. All was well, but some folks were driving a little bit too fast for me, but I stayed the course. It took me a couple hours to get to the Board, but all was good. Along the way, since I was driving about 20 miles per hour (that was the rapid part of the trip) I decided to call friends from coast-to-coast. Okay, well, really mostly the east coast, I did not want to call anyone and wake them up. But it was fun.
All was pretty good today, there were some challenges. Cussed at, called names; whatever. The rest of the week will be okay, and the next five days or so will be pretty busy.
Oh, and we got six eggs from the girls today. They must like this cold weather crap!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BOOTS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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