An incredibly long day today. Up at about 3:30, left the house about 5:30, in the office about 6:30 and at the Hyatt for the first day of the TAR Winter Conference at about 7 o'clock. My first meeting was at 7:45 and it is now after 9 o'clock, and I am ready to crash. Tomorrow is another day!

Interestingly, the Hyatt is the Headquarters Hotel for the Meeting, and I called a while back to see if they would have a way for me to charge the car. They did not, but since it is the wave of the future, they made some accommodations. Which is Hotel talk for 'we can run an extension cord out to your car, will that do it?'. It worked, and the car has a full charge right now. In conjunction with the City of Austin, there will be installing three charging stations within a month or so, so I am happy to have given them a little nudge.
Jody said he got five eggs from the girls today, so that was good. The cattle should be fine, since I fed them and took them fresh hay yesterday. I am staying in Austin for the next several days, but I will have to make the trek home tomorrow to take care of some business, and then I am going to be showing a couple properties on Sunday.

I was right, there are plenty of shoes to photograph at this meeting, but again, the cold weather has b]put a damper on some of the otherwise really exotic shoes. I would think the competition for most fabulous shoe at this meeting would be pretty darn stiff. AND there have indeed been some really good examples of the need for future orthopedic care, but no one I knew was one of the victims. BUT, I invite you to enjoy this photo. Have FUN!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, DUMB MASSES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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