I am wondering if I can live with out parentheses. Is that how you spell parentheses? It seems I am of the belief that I am using far too many parentheses in my entries, so today and only today it will be a parentheses free entry. See here now, I have only written about ten lines of this post, and there have already been at least THREE perfect opportunities for a couple good parenthetical statements, but I have resisted the urge at great personal sacrifice and done without. I am not sure if I will be able to keep the vow throughout this post, but we shall see.
Lots of business at the office today, including getting lots of work done, taking care of some personal business, participating in a conference call and a two hour training session. Then, it was time to go home, even though I was already late. Not too much traffic on the way home, and when I got there, I needed to go out and check on the cattle where there are still no calves and then feed the chickens. I forgot to ask Jody how many eggs he collected today, but I will try my best to catch you up tomorrow. See, this paragraph has two GREAT opportunities for parentheses, but I am remaining steadfast to the cause.
After dinner, I took some eggs over to Hubert and Pauline, and then headed off to Georgetown for a beekeepers meeting. The Williamson County Area Beekeepers Association. I think there were about 140 people there tonight. The attendance dwindles the closer to summer and through the summer the attendance is pretty sparse. BUT, the meetings are pretty interesting, and there are folks there with all different levels of expertise, so that is good for me. I placed an order for supplies today, and should get those at the next meeting in late March.
Board meeting tomorrow with lunch following. Both will be great and I am looking forward to both occasions. I am really happy with the involvement I have taken on the our Board and all the volunteering opportunities that have come my way. It is fun, interesting, frustrating, enlightening, hard work, gratifying and many more adjectives I could think of if it were not so late!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, NO PARENTHESES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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