I am not really sure how you whipper-snappers do it. I am an early morning kind of person. I am ready to hit the ground running in the mornings, but in the evenings, I am ready to call it a day. It has been a long day, I will be just fine tomorrow morning (earlier than many of you) but right now I am really tired.

I started out the day as usual, and left the house at about 7:30 to get to a meeting that was to begin at about 9:30. The meeting was in Bastrop, Texas at the Hyatt Lost Pines Resort. A very nice place, although it is about 70 miles from our house. On the way, I stopped and got gas in the car, and took it through the $Eight Dollar - quarter car wash...You know the car washes that used to take quarters, but now they cost $8 and you have to pay with a credit card? ANYWAY, that meant it was guaranteed to rain, and in fact it did, but it waited at least a few hours before it did so.
Made it to the Hotel and all was good, although I was ready for a little something in the nourishment department, and there was NOTHING. Okay, so I waited until lunch, and it was a nice cold-cuts buffet. NICE. This was the first day of the 2011 Texas Realtors Leadership Training class, and it is going to be a really great class, several really deserving attendees and a terrific program. This is a photo of Barb, Socar, me and Susan. Susan is taking the class this time, Barb, Socar and I were in the class of 2009. Congratulations to all!

There is a really extensive meeting facility at this resort, and there were LOTS of meetings going on, and it is a very interesting place. Not too much of an opportunity for taking photographs of women's shoes, but I did take this opportunity (over the protests of the owner of the shoes) to capture these beauties for all time. Nice looking and the look comfortable, too.

I left the training and headed back to Austin at about 2 o'clock (had to stay for lunch of course before I left) and actually got some work done in the office before heading out to the Board of REALTORS for the Fourth Annual Chili Cook-Off. Tom had entered the Salsa contest, and (as it ended up) he also entered the Chili Cook-Off. Being the fourth year for this event, it is getting better and better every year. Tom's Austin REAL Pros Chili took third place overall in the People's Choice category, so that was great. AND, it was delicious, there was a Cinnamon flavor to it, something you would not expect in your average Texas Chili. This is a photo of (clockwise from the top left), Me, Christi, Tom and the RES man. Those are his initials, but it is pronounced as if it were spelled Reece). RES was the cutest kid at the cook-off..okay there were not that many kids there, but even if there were 500 kids there, RES would be the cutest (and the most polite) hands down!
Jody got five eggs from the girls today, but before that, he drove in to Austin and met our friend Lynda for lunch. I have not remembered to look in the gauge yet, but Jody says we got a quarter-inch of rain today,and that is WONDERFUL.
Time to finish this...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CHILI FOR DAYS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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