Let's get this out of the way right in the beginning of this entry. I have NEVER been very much of a drinker and I still am not. It is funny to many of my colleagues that I can become totally out of control after on glass of wine (that makes me whine). I do not get it...I have a glass of wine every night at home and do just fine. I have one glass of wine in a public place, and that is the end of life as we know it. Uh-oh...I had three glasses of wine today...one around 5:30 and two more at a reception that began at 6. I was really not feeling any pain, however I was wise enough to know when I had had enough, and left the function and returned to my room. It is really early for a Saturday night, but I have ordered room service, and will be retiring shortly after I finish this entry or the piece of cheese cake that I am working on...whichever comes first...not sure which one will win out.

This is a nice photo from the 17th floor of the Hyatt just south of downtown in Austin. The Hyatt has been here for YEARS-AND-YEARS and I assume the person that holds the title on the land bought it when it was affordable! BUT, it is a lovely sight, although it is kind of deceiving...it looks like Austin is a big city but it is really still just a small town. Lots and lots of people want to live here, just like I did when I moved here in 1985, but I have long lamented that it is too bad Austin was 'discovered'.

Meeting and seminars today, but in the middle of it all, I had to drive home to check on the water situation for the cattle and the chickens. I wanted to make sure that with the thaws and expected warmer temperatures that there were no pipes that had broken when no one was looking, and that the cattle would have plenty of water. The cattle are kind of finicky about having enough water. A herd of animals that can weigh up to 1,500 pounds can drink a good bit of water. This is a photo of Violet and her new calf we have named 'Cool Breeze' because he was born on a pretty darn chilly day as far as normal temperatures go in Austin. Today is his three week anniversary; he was born three weeks ago today. They are incredibly capable of fending-for-themselves even on their first day! Crazy..
I got five eggs from the girls today, and changed their water, gave them some fresh feed and put some fresh alfalfa hay in their nesting boxes. I do not think they are particularly appreciative of anything I do for them, but they really appreciate the food Jody and I give them. They have a pretty much predictable routine (kind of like us) of sleeping, scratching, eating and laying. Life is simple and predictable if you are a chicken!

Well, rats! I almost forgot the foot photo again. I was right, however, this Winter Meeting I am attending is a veritable breeding ground of interesting, sexy and really uncomfortable looking foot wear for the female half of the population. The other side of the story is, the really exciting footwear was being worn by folks I don't know, and it is awkward to walk up to a stranger and ask if I can take a photo of their feet. BUT, I did find a good example today on a pretty good friend, who was more than happy for me to take the photo with the possibility of Internet notoriety! What do you think?
Deeds, Actions, Changes, PREDICTABILITY, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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