On the way home this afternoon, I stopped at the bank and while I was there, I asked if there was an Optometrist in the area. They directed me to a place just a few blocks away, and I stopped in to get my specs adjusted. There was not a single customer in the place, so I asked if I could also get my eyes examined. They said okay, but then 25 minutes later they said they doubted that they could work me in today. It was a good try, and it has been a little over a year since my last exam, but I will try again another time. I was successful in getting my glasses adjusted; now they are not catty-wampus on my face anymore, they just slide down my nose with the slightest provocation. Sometimes the cure is worse than the sickness. Oh well...
Once I got home, Jody reported that he had collected four eggs from the girls. I went out and fed them, and I will shortly go and put them to bed. I also went out and checked on the cattle. I am having trouble with one of the auto-fillers on one of the water troughs, so I cannot just let it go by itself. I have to turn on the water, fill the trough and cut it off. That will be a daily routine for the next several days. I think the earliest I will be able to correct that issue will be Sunday. Not that big of a day anyway...just a little bit of an inconvenience. BUT, I am telling you the truth, the weather was absolutely gorgeous today, so it was really a pleasure to have ANY excuse for being outside. WONDERFUL!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BEAUTIFUL DAYS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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