To take a direct quote from my friend Lynda, today was 'SUPER FANTASTIC'. I was surrounded by positive thoughts, energy and actions (for the most part). There were a few low-spots, but overall it was one of the best days I have experienced in a good while. I am really fortunate to be surrounded by folks that care and are passionate about what they do. We had our bi-weekly strategic planning meeting today, and we were joined by Willie from the Austin Board of REALTORS. Our goal is to have a representative from the Board come to our office meetings for the next several meetings, because there is SO MUCH the Board offers that we (and the majority of the membership) do not take advantage. Today we learned how to take advantage of the $5 virtual tour option the Board provides. Great information, and we were all really impressed. GOOD JOB to the Willie-Meister. He is a great instructor! We had our regularly scheduled meeting after that, and we (sort of) celebrated Pat's Birthday which is tomorrow. This is a photo of Chris and Sytha, our most additions to our club. They are both really motivated and bring a lot of fresh energy to our group.
One more thing about Willie's presentation to us...the group liked it so much, he is coming back NEXT TUESDAY to make another presentation to us...we could not wait the two weeks, it was such a great meeting!
Okay, there was also a lot of work to get accomplished, and that all got (pretty much) taken care of. It is a good day when I can actually get a few things checked off my to-do list. Really a good day. I have a list, but there are lots of other things that come up, so sometimes it is difficult to concentrate!

Carrie and I also spoke with a friend and colleague (Shane) that is considering coming to work with us as a make-ready person. We are really taking the plunge and starting a maintenance company to compliment our property management services. Shane also has a couple other job offers to consider, so we are not sure if he will be joining us, so if you know a good, honest and trustworthy person who has a light construction type of background, ask him or her to get in touch with us. It will (we hope) be a really good experience for all of us.
Signed up another property management client today. That is two this month and one last month, so that is another positive sign.
Headed home about 4 o'clock this afternoon, and took several telephone calls along the way. Once I got home, I needed to IMMEDIATELY log-on to the office computer and take care of some business that came up (in the car). Got all that accomplished, took a couple more telephone calls, and went outside to feed the girls and check the cattle. Jody reports that he collected five eggs from the girls today, and they were all happy. The cattle were all seemingly very contented, and still no sign of any new calves. They will appear at a really inconvenient time, if the past is any indication.

Here is your daily 'shoe-fix'. Women's shoes are really uncomfortable looking, and if my experience in women's shoes is any barometer (ask if you want to know) they are INDEED uncomfortable! But, I like (not lust) looking at them. Congratulations to all of you for going through the pain referred to as four-inch-heels. I like the way they look, just don't think I could do it. Talk about your basic bad knees!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, GREAT DAYS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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