It is comforting to know, in this frazzled and hurried world in which we live, that even the ketchup we ordinarily take for granted can join us in the whimsical world of multi-tasking. I had heard that the Heinz company had spent (literally) millions of dollars researching a new way to deliver its product to fast-food customers. It seems the little squeeze packages delivered the goods but not in a pleasing way. NOW, as a very appreciative ketchup consumer, the prospect of a packet of fast-food ketchup that I could use more easily as I sped down the Interstate driving with my knees and texting while juggling my curly fries and a super-sized-soda had a definite appeal. AND being a full fledged 'consumer' and patriotic American (let me spend my way to a better economy) I was ready for this new 'retail-therapy' enhancement to an otherwise mundane package. I will confess to you, however, that I believe the new delivery system (whether activated to squirt or dip) is much less practical than the older product. The new product requires a certain amount of care when dipping, and is much more satisfactory when squirting BUT in both cases results in a considerably larger amount of wasted product. Good for Heinz, bad for Chick-Fil-A. Whatever...

AND, while I am on the subject of waste, I guess most of you will agree that there is no use in crying over broken eggs! I took a couple dozen eggs to the office this morning, including two six-egg-containers. I even made a special trip to the car so I would not drop the eggs as I was carrying other items. Made it into the office and started a pretty darned impressive juggling act, and almost thought I was going be save them for a while, but NO, they crashed to the ground...five of them not to return to a skillet any time soon. I hate that!
A pretty good and busy day at the office today. It is Thursday, so that means Meals-On-Wheels, and I had five clients this morning. Always a pleasure to do that. Afterwards, I went by one of my clients offices to pick up an Option Fee check and an Earnest Money check. Still multi-tasking!
I left the office about 3 o'clock, Jody and I had a date at Wal-Mart to (finally) get my eyes examined. Then we went past my barber (Irene) and then on to Chick-Fil-A (refer to the ketchup story above). Prior to all of that, I had gone out to feed the chickens, and we ended up with three eggs for the day. They may be a little aggravated with me about breaking a full days work on the office floor. Word travels fast!

Here is your shoe piece for the day, a nice open-toed number that looks ready for the sandy beaches. No real sandy beaches in central Texas, but use your imagination!
Tomorrow will be a pretty intense meeting, then a little more power real estate, and Saturday morning I am teaching a class.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BROKEN EGGS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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