Okay, let's face facts; I admit to being a little bit (whatever) obsessive-compulsive, and maybe a little bit of a control freak, but things have gotten completely out-of-control. You may remember that on Tuesday, I admitted that I had determined that I was really not in control of that much in life (mine or anyone elses), BUT - in the last two days I have participated in 78 (SEVENTY-EIGHT) e-mails about ONE SUBJECT. That is too much, too out of control even for me. On the other side of the spectrum, everything may b=now be under control (if not in my control), and life remains good. I am the luckiest man in the world.
SO, I actually got a chance to sleep in a little while today. Jody had an appointment for oral surgery, and I was there. I had no intention of going into the office today, and I didn't. BUT, who knew...the dentists office had wi-fi and there I was doing business in the reception room (answering FREAKIN' e-mails) and doing what a REALTOR does, even if it usually is done in his own office or the local STARBUCKS. Getting work done is getting work done, it doesn't really matter where or how. I even got an offer on a property and I am negotiating a contract all at the same time. Did I mention that life is good?

I visited the pharmacy twice today, the oral surgeon had phoned in a prescription in advance and during the surgery phoned in two more. While I was there the first time I saw my friend Konrad's car, so I called him to see where he was. Konrad owns the Round Rock Honey Company, and I took bee keeping classes from him. His little girl had an infection or allergies, so they were visiting her doctor. He came out to take a look at the car, and took a couple pictures of it for his blog. Interesting, Austin really is still a small town. I also went to Upper Crust to get Jody a cinnamon roll for his breakfast tomorrow. We used to go there EVERY Saturday and Sunday for cinnamon rolls, but since we moved to the 'edge-of-nowhere' we had to give it up for another bad habit (D-a-i-r-y Q-u-e-e-n). BUT while I was there, I saw our old friend Chuck. I told him the place reminds me of my old fraternity house; you could go back after a twenty-year absence, and the brothers were all playing the same hand of Spades that they were playing when you left! AND they had not aged in all that time, either. That clinched it!

Once we got home, Jody went down for a nap (a long drug-induced nap) and I cleaned out the stove, let chickens loose (I collected four eggs today), went out and fed the cattle and took them a fresh bale of hay. All of that was pretty much in preparation of attending the Texas Association of REALTORS Winter Meeting which begins tomorrow so I won't be doing many chores for the next several days. Oh, and while I was out in the pasture, I was able to answer several more telephone calls. You gotta do what you gotta do. This is a picture of the newest little boy cow, he will be three weeks old the day after tomorrow. Three weeks old, and doing better than most any three week old species. Longhorns are sturdy stock!
My first meeting is at 7:45 in the morning, so I have to get up and leave EXTRA EARLY. It would be nice if I also got a little bit of EXTRA SLEEP, but I doubt it.

OMG - I almost forgot to include this months theme photo. That should tell you that I am really not the fetish that I have been accused of this month, but I will let you know I already have the theme chosen for next year, and I will most likely complain about that right off the bat as well. ANYWAY, this is a photo of someones shoes and matching bag, which reminds me of a joke, the punchline of which is 'Excuse me father but your purse is on fire'. Whatever...and honestly, the meetings this weekend should be fertile ground for fancy (and really uncomfortable) women's shoes. I can't (yawn) wait!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ROUND ROCK HONEY ROCKS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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