Well, I have been reduced to photographing (not yet convicted) felons on our highways and bi-ways (I like the sound of that). Maybe someone should consider building a hi-bi-way. What do you think? ANYWAY, with all the fires in the area, I saw two more people driving down the Interstate flicking ash out their car windows. One was the same guy I saw last week in the '64 Chevy. Well, I am ready for them know. Now I just need to figure out how to bust them. The official report in Bastrop is about 576 homes destroyed, and they expect that number to double before it is all over. There is no way they can get into some of the areas yet to make assessments. Crazy.
The smoke and haze from the fires is really aggravating as well. Not as bad as having your house burn down, I assure you, but as passive observers it is aggravating. It smells like electrical or old stereo parts that are burning, too. Smells like electrical things burning up. I don't really know how to describe it, like something electrical in your engine compartment, you just know it is not right.

Since the only photographs I took today were of (alleged) felons, I am using a photo that Chris took last week when we had lunch in the Second Street District. This is one of the Cow Parade sculptures that are all over the city and soon to be auctioned off for charity. I love me some cows, and I especially like this blue one.
Four eggs today from the girls, and the little girls are getting braver and braver. As I sit in the office writing this, I can see them getting closer and closer to the house to scratch, which, in turn means they are getting further and further away from their coop and the safe place they have known for all but a few days of their lives. The little girls are growing up!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BLUE COWS, Kindnesses,Whirled Peas, FUN!
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