Another sure sign of the changing of the seasons...I threw my back out this morning, doing something stupid like breathing. I did nothing to cause this malady. I was not lifting anything, not stooping over, NOTHING. One minute I was fine, the next minute I had a 'catch'. CRAP! Where's my cane?
So much for our cooler weather. It was 95 (at least) today, but it is a dry heat, so we will take what we can get. What we really need is RAIN. We are all going to burn up!
My friend Mike called from Florida this morning (I called him back this afternoon) and we had a nice talk on the phone. Explain this to me (Mike was unable to); in August, there was NO RAIN reported at any of the weather stations in the area, and that meant we TIED FOR SECOND PLACE as the driest August in history. How can we beat the existing record? What? Was there a year that we had to give back some rain and so we actually had a negative amount of rainfall? How can you get worse than nothing? I just do not get that.
Chickens are well, cattle are well, Jody is well, I am well (reasonably). I am a lucky man!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, WALKING CANES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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