Friday! It's Friday, the day before Saturday and the day after Thursday. Friday. Friday's child is loving and giving... I really like my Fridays, unless of course I have to work on Saturday, and then I like Saturdays more than Fridays. Whatever...

Greasy Food! It's what's for lunch! It really was not that greasy, though. This is the Chicken Avocado Combo at the Cone Trailer (not sure of the real name of it) on South Congress. Chris and I went there for lunch this afternoon, had a nice meal, it was not too hot outside, so that was pleasant. There are lots of trailers that seem to merit exploration, so that may need to be a new goal. We shall see.
Got an extraordinary amount of work done today, lots of good accomplishments. Jody and I are heading for Bastrop tomorrow, we need to make sure the other farm is still standing. I think if the fires had gone that far, someone would have told us. It will be interesting and sad to see the damage that was done. Very sad...
Deeds, Actions, Changes, FRIED FOOD, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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