I had to manually set my watch to the correct date today. I cannot comprehend that it is already the first of March. But, if it helps, it is making this week go by more quickly. Highs and Lows, that is for sure.
Here is a high: Today was my Meals-On-Wheels day, and there were only six clients on my route. One of my favorites was not home last week, and she was not on the route today. I hope she is okay. I always like it when I get to deliver my route, it just makes a difference in my day.
Here is another high: Got a nice listing entered today, and started woeking an offer on the property YESTERDAY. Interesting. AND, I have a closing next week, so that is something to look forward to.
No real lows, just need to get some rest.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, BLOOMS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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