It was a full and busy day, and I will not bore you with all the things that were accomplished today. It is enough that you know that I was not stung a single time by any of the bees, and that my purchases yesterday of machinery of mass weed distraction worked wonderfully well. If there were only more days available to get things around her under control, that would be great. I am really not interested in more hours in a day...there are enough hours in a day, dark still happens whenever it happens. I just need more days.
We did (of course, was there any doubt) make it into Georgetown for spoilers, and it was good. A quick trip to Home Depot was next, and then we were back home. I trimmed the weeds around the electric fence line out in the back pastures, and I cannot understand why the electric fence is not 'hot'. There were no shorts as best I could tell, and I walked (and whacked) the entire fence Ines, so there should not be any 'impedance' in the lines. I will take another look at it as soon as it quits raining. Not that it is raining right now, it is just supposed to rain for the next three days, and we are already under a flash flood watch through Tuesday (I think) and there are chances of tornadoes, which is why I wanted to get the walkway in today. We live just seven miles from Jarrell, the little Texas town that was wiped off the map about a decade ago, so tornadoes are not uncommon up here where we live. AND, I figure that if I go to all that trouble, we will never need to use it.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, GOOD WORK, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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