I taught a class this morning at the Board of REALTORS, and all was good. Even though there were only six folks in the class, it was a fun and rewarding class, there was lots of opinions and knowledge exchanged. AND, the attendees ranged from long term license holders to a man who has been licensed for only six months. A great mix. AND we raised $270 for TREPAC while we were at it...
When I got home, I had to attend to a couple e-mails, and then Jody and I headed into Georgetown. Dairy Queen was the first stop, and then it was on to Home Depot where I hemorrhaged money buying mechanical weapons of mass distraction to go forward in the fight against weeds and their offspring. I bought a new lawnmower (for the detail work around the edges and things that the riding lawnmower and/or the shredder cannot get to. I also bought a 'walk behind' trimmer, kind of like a weed-whacker on steroids. All of it is still in the back of the truck, where it will stay until Miguel comes by tomorrow. Then the weeds had better watch out. The big trimmer is more of a thing to trim around the fence lines and stuff like that; too much for the ordinary $100 weed-whackers. I have been going through one or two of those each year, so I am going to see how this 'big-gun' thing works out. If I am not hospitalized by it tomorrow, I will let you know how it goes.
Tomorrow will be devoted to working outside with Miguel. I am tire already, and it is not even tomorrow yet. BUT, I should be able to sleep a little later at least.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, WEED-WHACKERS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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