As long as we are on the subject of cows...I was suspicious last night that there was a new calf out in the pasture. I kept checking it out with the binoculars (I was too lazy to actually drive back there in the Mule to see for myself), but could never really tell for sure. The reason I was suspicious was because there was a calf that kept wanting to curl up and sleep, and the other calves would not leave it alone. When I got home this afternoon, Jody and I drove back there and confirmed that there is indeed a new heifer calf, probably two or three days old. I think it is interesting that things just may not 'look right' and that I can recognize that something is different out there. ANYWAY, in honor of the Ides of March (even though she was not born today), we are naming her Ida Clare. Her mama is Mimi's Moonbeam (also mother to Moo Unit), and the make a handsome pair, it I do say so myself!
Pretty good day today, only had five clients on my Meals-On-Wheels route, but that was fun. Everyone was home too, and it was good because I had a noon appointment. Everything worked out, so that is always a happy thing.
Appointments tomorrow morning, appointments tomorrow afternoon, appointments on Saturday. Life is good. Now if I can only find the time to cut some grass and pull some weeds.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, NEW CALF, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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