One of these days I will tell you the story about waking up in my bed wearing my mother's dyed mink raccoon coat. I flung the covers off me and bubble gum balls went flying in all directions and ricocheted with deadly force against the walls and ceiling of the room. It is really a great story, remind me to tell you!
Okay, now let's talk about another producer of mass food stuffs.

My experience today at McDonald's #2. My total at the drive through came to $3.45. I gave the man at the first window and $5 bill, and he handed me $2.55 in change. I pondered this for a moment and I told him I thought he had given me too much change. He told me my order was $3.45 and I gave him a five, and he said he owed me $2.55. I told him no, you gave me the 55 cents, that makes four dollars and one more dollar makes five, not two more dollars. He said LET ME SEE YOUR RECEIPT. It says right there that I owe you $2.55. And, yes it did, but I kept trying and he kept insisting that he had given me the correct change because that was what it said on the receipt. I finally convinced him that (somehow) there was an error, and that he needed to take the dollar back, and he FINALLY begrudgingly agreed.
My experience today at McDonald's #3. I am not sure, but I do not think lemonade and Coke are anywhere close to the same thing. I ordered a SMALL Coke (see two paragraphs above about caloric intake), and I was handed my drink that did not seem to be the right color. I asked the man at the SECOND window what's this and he said it's Coke. Nope, I'm thinking this is not the right color for Coke, and after another two or three minute discussion, it was determined that, yep, I was right, that was not a Coke.
Remind me to tell you about the time I put my car in park at the Second window of a McDonald's drive through in New Orleans and walked inside to speak with the manager. Progress at that drive through came to a screeching halt, and there was not enough the could do for me to get me back in my car and leave. It's a really great story, remind me to tell you.
Oh, here is another story you should remind me to tell you. 1958 in Southgate, Michigan where they are building the first McDonald's I had ever seen, and my friend Dennis Lescinski and climb up in a tree to watch the construction, wonder what a french fry is and practice our cuss words. It's a really great story, remind me to tell you.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ADVENTURES IN MASS PRODUCED FOODS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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