If it hadn't been for the dog, I would have stayed asleep longer than I actually did. The dog decided (at 5:30 or so this morning) that he was lonesome and wanted someone to comfort him. I thought maybe he was hungry or that maybe he neeed to go outside, but neither one of those was the case. So I went back to bed and I am sure I dozed off, but it was not the good kind of sleeping I was (I think) enjoying before he started to whine.
I finaly got out of the bed about 7 o'clock, and did a few things before I made us a pile of eggs and split a cinnammon roll for us. After that, I went out and cleaned the bed of the truck out, because we were going to use it in the afternoon. Then I started cleaning the dead bamboo out of the area up close to the bee yard. It is much friendlier up there since we have relocated three of the five hives. AND it was chilly so the remaining bees were pretty much inactive.

After a while, Jody and I took the dog boy for a ride so he could bark at the other dogs in the hood (which comprises about a ten mile radius from here) and after that we went into Georgetown for lunch. On the way back we stopped at Berry Creek Park, where we had an appointment to buy some pecan wood for the stove. They have green pecan wood (better for smoking and cooking) but I wanted the seasoned and split pecan to put in the wood burning stove. A good truck load full (ten wheel barrels full) for $100 which I think was a pretty good buy, compared to the firewood I bought the last couple of years.

When we were pulling in from getting the firewood, I told Jody there was a new calf in the back field. I could see her from the driveway and I could just tell it was a new calf. Orchid (the mama) has been a good mama cow as long as we have had her, and this new calf is really prety and a heifer at that. Last year (I think) we had almost all bull calves, but this is a good sign that this first calf of the season is a heifer.
Tonight we went to the Austin Empty Bowl Project and met up with our friends Lynda and Michael, and it was a nice surprise to see Ben and his wife Leslie. This was the first time I had met Leslie, and it was really a nice evening. Much fun.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, NEW CALF, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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