I was a little bit late heading into the office this morning, but to the best of my recollection, I did not come to a COMPLETE stop on the Interstate, so that is always a good thing. Some local schools have already started the Holiday Break and I am not sure about UT and the other schools of higher learning in the area, but I suspect they are still in session. Once they are on break, traffic will be a BREEZE comparatively speaking.
My BMFF Dawn delivered a pumpkin pie to me this afternoon. She has a tradition of delivering pies before Thanksgiving, and I am honored to receive one again this year.
We had a new fabulous front desk person start at the office today, officially the Executive Assistant, and I think she will be doing a great job for us. There are LOTS of details, and my hat is also off to Carrie for knowing all the little detail things about the computers and all that stuff. I (personally) am helpless!
Jody called me this afternoon to report that one of the smoke alarms was chirping as if it needed a new battery. AND the dog boy cannot stand that sound, so he was all agitated.
I got home this afternoon about 5:30, and the first thing I did was to try and figure out which smoke alarm it was that was unhappy. Jody thought it was the one in the guest bedroom hallway, so I took that battery out, and that did not solve the problem. I SWEAR there were two or three alarms chirping. I finally reset the entire thing and was within range when the alarm in the den chirped. I took the battery out of that one (and left it out) and so far there have been no more complaints from the alarms. I do however have a SOLUTION. Tomorrow, I am calling an electrician and having ALL NINE of the smoke alarms in this house replaced. That ought to fix them.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ALARMS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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