I took a new tack on the day today, and actually got some work done around the house (and its' surrounds). I did stay in bed as long as possible, doing my best to ignore the moans and groans of the dog boy and the wailing of the cat. It seems they remain on Daylight Saving Time even now. I think Jody got up around 6 or 6:30 and I stayed in bed til about 7. When I did get up, I lazed about and got the paper read and let the chickens out of their coop. It was extra chilly last night, so they were 'cooped up' and did not have access to their pen. They were ready to be free rangers.

I made a pile of eggs that were very good, and then I went out into the yard and dd something, but I honestly cannot remember what I did. Jody and I took the dog boy for a ride, and when we got home, I went out and fed the cattle. I took them two bales of hay and some cattle cubes mixed with sorghum and cotton seed. It has been a long time since they have had actual cattle feed, they have been living on grass and hay. BUT, since it is getting cooler, the feed will be good for them and the sorghum and cotton seed helps them keep warmer in the cooler weather. Both the calves are doing nicely, still not 100% on what to name Victoria's calf. Now I am leaning to 'Giblets' since he was born on Thanksgiving day. If you can think of anything that has to do with a Thanksgiving Tradition that starts with the letter 'V', let me know.

After getting that done, we went into Georgetown and had our usual Saturday lunch at the fast food chicken outlet whose name shall not be said. We left there and went to Tractor Supply where I bought myself a wood splitter. More about that later. Then we stopped at the drive-through at Schlotzky's and got a Cinnabon Classic to split for breakfast tomorrow morning. Don't get me started about waiting in line for 'fast food', I'm just saying... BUT, as we were waiting in line for that single fast food item, there was this little moth playing in the lantana. It almost looks like a Monarch, but it is SO small, I am thinking it is a moth. ANYWAY, it was cute, and pretty is where ever you can find it these days.

When we got home, Jody went down for a nap, but I stayed vertical and did more stuff outside. I did get a lot of various piles of brush picked up from the last two or three weeks of clearing. I am good at clearing and piling, but not that great with picking up and hauling. ANYWAY, most of the dead bamboo has been cleared and hauled back to the fire pile, and I will get that finished tomorrow. I also split some of the firewood logs that have been piled up since late in the summer. I split a log or two, then went and did something else for a while and came back and split another log or two. Really, there is no hurry to get this wood split, I have plenty of stove wood to last most of the winter, but it will be nice to get it split and moved. AND, while I took an occasional break, Ms. Vera would come around to see if I had anything on me that she could eat. Sorry dear.
Tomorrow should be another relatively successful day.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, SUCCESS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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