Monday, February 25, 2013

2013 - Day 56/309 - Monday...

REALLY? It is only Monday? It seems like it should be later in the week than that.

I woke up relatively early this morning. There are no clocks in the stateroom (fancy) so whenever I wake up in the middle of the night, I have to look at my watch to see what time it is, and that requires a higher level of consciousness than I would like, particularly if it is only 3 o’clock in the morning.

I got out of bed and began my day at about 6. I had a few last minute details to take care of before I went up to the far aft portion of the ship to meet Debbie. We have kind of a tradition to meet for coffee in the mornings, and it is a lovely tradition.

I had a few pieces of business to attend to, so I got that done and gave Jody a call to check in. About 8:30 Chris and Ruby came by to help me carry stuff down for my class. There were 20 folks in my Broker Responsibility class, and I think that was a pretty darned good turnout. It was a good class, there was a lot of participation in the class, and everyone learned something. What more do you need? Mission accomplished.

After the class, I came back to the room and took a nap. I was pretty tired, and the nap was good. I finally got up and started getting ready for dinner. Dinner is at 8:15 which makes my bedtime even later. Right now it is 10 PM, and I am ready to crash.

I have a free day tomorrow, but I did bring some work to TRY and get completed while I am out here.Deeds, Actions, Changes, LEARNING, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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