Yep, if it is Thursday, that means tomorrow must be Friday, and I am ready for it.
Today was not a particularly bad day, but there were a couple disappointments. Nothing to cry over or anything like that, but there could have been a couple things that worked out better. I'm just sayin...

We did get a little bit more rain overnight, so that is good. And today was the monthly business meeting of the Women's Council of REALTORS® which included the annual Cake Auction to benefit TREPAC. I good time was had by all! I donated a cake that generated a $400 bid (thanks Terry) and then I got to keep the cake as well! SO, there was cake all around at the office and I brought two slices of it home with me for Jody. A delicious (so I am told) chocolate fudge cake, made by the folks that make yummy things for the Cheesecake Factory. I have not had any of it, and I do not expect I will have any of it. I still have a few jelly beans left. I know the calorie and carb count (off the box) but I will not share that publicly unless I am specifically requested for that information. I will say, however, that it is an obscene amount of both calories and carbohydrates, and just the thought of it will clog your arteries. This is a photo of PROBABLY the most creative cake that was offered, and it got sold TWICE (the second time my friend Will bought it, thanks Will). The same guy that bought my cake bought this one and then put it back into the auction to be sold again!
I will be doing a bike ride this weekend, the route is yet to be determined. After that, we may try to go and visit Miguel and his wife and baby. Plans are still in the development stages.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, CALORIES, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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