Monday, April 8, 2013

2013 - Day 98/267 - Monday...

LIES, ALL LIES!  There is nothing that I could tell you today that would be informative that you do not already know.  I know each of my THOUSANDS or followers are totally connected to their individual news sources (one Missouri follower even purports to be an avid subscriber to daily print media), so there is nothing substantial to disclose.

Well, that is not totally true.  I did make it to work this morning, busied myself with office work, and was surprised and delighted to receive an e-mail from my friends (and long time clients) George and June.  Then there were a couple meetings and then I came home.

All the girls are doing well, and the Silver Laced Wyandottes are enjoying their freedoms in becoming 'free-range-girls'.  They are getting a little bit braver with each passing hour, and they really are pretty.  All the chicks are getting bigger, and pretty soon I will not know where to put all of them.

Tomorrow will be a busy and early day.  HILL VISITS.  I have to be on a bus and ready to leave the Board Offices at 7:30, which means I have to leave here about 6AM, which means...well, it is the domino theory in reverse.

Deeds, Actions, Changes, HILL VISITS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!

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