Useless trivia for today:
Although considered a fruit, the fig is actually a flower inverted into itself. They are the only fruit to ripen on the tree. Originally native from Turkey to northern India, the fig fruit spread to many of the Mediterranean countries.

Figs we got! We have one fig tree out in the circle, and parts of it keep dying (I am still uncomfortable with this spelling) but the tree itself remains a sizable concern. It just dies back but never dies. It continues to take up the same about of space it had taken up BEFORE it died back. ANYWAY, this year the figs are ripening at an interesting pace; like one at a time. In years past, I have harvested BUCKETS full of them, but this year I have only managed to pick one or two tops. Maybe the chickens are getting them (I hope) or maybe it is grass hoppers. LOCUSTS?
I did sleep in a little bit later this morning, and would have stayed if I were not a responsible chicken farmer type person. I got up, loosed the girls, collected the newspaper, made coffee, and then made a pile of eggs for me and Jody. Then it was time for the first (or a series of ) nap(s).
Eventually Jody and I took the dog for a walk (the dog did not participate) and then we took the dog for a ride (minimal participation on the part of the dog and me). I did at least get a chance to bark at things while the dog lay in the back seat licking himself.
I had to go into Austin to walk one property, and then we headed home.
All in all a pretty good day. Tomorrow will be a chore day, a heat day and possibly a rain day.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, FIGS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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