Totally useless trivia for this day:
A widespread, but false,
urban legend states that one out of every five miles of the Interstate Highway
System must be built straight and flat, so as to be usable by aircraft during
times of war. However, it was the
Germans in World War II that used the Autobahns for just such a purpose.

Okay, we are back to talking about Interstate (or in the case of this area Interregional Highway) travel. I was delayed somewhat getting home this evening. It seems there was a truck driving southbound pulling a trailer with a boat on it, and the boat decided it preferred to travel northbound. So, traffic was backed up for MILES in both directions. I was heading north (the preferred direction if you are a wayward or totally spoiled boat) and I got to the scene of the scene just in time to see a bunch of Georgetown (I think) firemen sitting on the concrete divider like a bunch of grackles roosting on a telephone wire, while another guy with a tow truck tried to winch the boat up onto the flatbed trailer. From what I could tell, the boat was having no part of it, and preferred to continue its' journey towards Waco under its' own power. This did not even make the news!
I was able to get lots of stuff done in the office today, and tomorrow looks like it will be a pretty busy day as well, but everything in a good way!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, TRAFFIC, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
well, that was an expensive boat. not so expensive now however