Useless trivia for the day:
An average water droplet (let's say rain drop for this journal entry) contains 100 QUINTILLION molecules of water.

So, instead of boring you with the highway stuff yesterday (unrecognizable low-riding vehicle for those of you with attention deficit disorder), I should have gone with the fact that the Sage up by the road were really over doing themselves in the blooming department. An old farmer theory is that if the Sage is blooming it is a forecast that you will receive rain soon. Sometimes it is accurate (I think more times than not) and it seemed to be a pretty good prognosticator of what was going to happen last night. Let's just say I took my pillows and took the dog into the closet and slept in there for a while last night. I would not have known it was even going on but the dog boy is afraid of thunder and lightning, so he woke me up looking for reassurance. Of course, laid out on the floor of the closet (him with his butt in my face because he wanted to see out the windows to make sure it was still storming) and me freezing because there is an AC vent in the closet, there was not a lot of sleep being had on my part. I finally got up and went back to bed, and the dog boy stayed in the closet until about 6 in the morning. By then the coast was clear. We got 0.65" of rain, so that was lovely and the Sage is still beautiful.
I made Jody and me a most excellent pile of eggs this morning. Speaking of eggs, yes, we indeed have another cross-dressing chicken out there. I heard it crowing this morning, and went to investigate. It is the solid black Crested Polish, a truly beautiful bird, but Victor will be over tonight to collect him. I expect there may be one or two more, we shall see. I hope not.
Tomorrow will be a day of chores, but maybe I can get a nap worked into the fray.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, RAIN, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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