Somewhat useful trivia for today:
Eggs contain the highest quality protein you can buy. Egg protein has the perfect mix of essential amino acids needed by humans to build your own tissues. In addition, eggs have thirteen essential vitamins and minerals.

The cross-dressing chickens (the two card-carrying rooster chickens) were abducted in the dark of the night last night. It is interesting that you can pretty much do anything you want to a chicken, as long as it is dark. I don't get it, but you can. Next time I am going to try and dress one of the girls in a Barry Manilow outfit and put her in front of a piano and see if she will start pantomiming to an old LP album. I am thinking of starting her with something simple like
Mandy, and seeing how she does, then we can go on to advanced classes. One of the young girls has decided it is time to lay, Jody reports that he got one-and-a-half eggs today. From this photo you can see the honorable mentionable effort that one of the girls produced. I don't care who you are, that little egg is definitely better than anything I could have layed...I'm just sayin...
It was a good day today, I got lots of things done in the office, then I left about 2:30 to run a couple errands and drop off some stuff at the Board. Then I had the wonderful opportunity to meet up with dear clients George and June. It has been about four years since the last time we saw each other and they have not changed a bit. Wonderful people.
I have an appointment to get my teeth cleaned tomorrow afternoon, and a haircut on Wednesday. I lead such an interesting and full life!
Deeds, Actions, Changes, NO ROOSTERS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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