Useless trivia for the day (and I think we could all use more uselessness): A killer whale can eat 2,000 pounds in one sitting. Now just try to get a whale to sit...

Still raining off and on here, so far for the month we are at exactly four inches. The official rainfall total for the city of Austin is less that a half inch. Interesting how it rains close by, but not really everywhere. There have been reports of up to six inches in some places, and the lakes have come up a little bit, but I doubt it will do much to increase the levels. As I sit here, I am watching a big series of clouds roll into view; the winds are rising and it is sprinkling outside, a little bit of thunder and it is getting dark. The wind has turned and is now coming in from the south, so I expect we will have another little precipitation event this evening. Still chances through Thursday, too.
The chickens seem to be a little bit excitable right now, Vera looks like she has been through a wringer, but I am pretty much of the opinion that she is just molting. We shall see. At any rate, the roosters (hens in drag) will be history not later than the weekend. I can remember as a kid when we lived in Trenton, mother would kill chickens in the back yard and pluck them for dinner. I have thought about the wringing of the neck part, but not too interested in the plucking part.
Pretty good day today, better day tomorrow I expect. Early morning appointments and then afternoon in the office with our web-developer guy.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, MORE RAIN, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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