Useless (or maybe not) trivia for the day:
Never squash a wasp that has stung you. Upon being crushed, it will release a chemical that becomes airborne; this signals guard wasps to come and sting whatever gets in their way.

Wasps we got. Today I have encountered wasps is a variety of places; a peach tree, a grape vine, a bale of hay, underneath one of the cattle troughs, in the bar-b-cue pit, and under one of the steps of a six foot step ladder. I remain (as of this writing) unscathed by them and I hope to remain so or the immediate (and long term) future. The wasps out here (and they seem to be everywhere this year) are the big RED wasps, and if they sting you, you are practically immobilized. You have to sit down and rest. THEY STING like they MEAN it. It is kind of crazy that there are so many wasps in such a variety of places. Jody has begun speculating that we are in the midst of a seventeen year WASP cycle. I am not for sure if there is such a thing or not, but if it has not been heretofore recognized, you heard it here first.
It is another HOT day, ad nauseum. There are some lovely clouds in the sky, and there is a little chance of rain later. Miguel came out this morning and helped me get some work done, so that was great. It was nice and cloudy while he was here, but so humid we were just wringing wet with glistening agents.
We made it a short work day, but got lots of things done. After that it was nap time, and I took full advantage of that. We are going to head into Georgetown this evening for dinner; I think we will end up at Catfish Parlor, always a reliable source of several differently colored food groups.
This work week will be a wild and crazy one for me; overscheduled to the max. I will be teaching two days, then lots of appointments for the rest of the week.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, WASPS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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