Chickens are omnivores and will eat grain, seed, fruit and other vegetation, corns, worms and other insects. Commercial food pellets are mostly corn and soybean meal with additives such as kelp and supplemental calcium. The stuff Jody feeds them on the porch and back patio is basic wild bird seed. What they get out in their coop is organic layer mash, and they go through that like crazy. The food chain bit is something that comes to my little pea-brain every time I cut the grass. The mower and the action of cutting the grass has the affect of stirring up a bunch of bugs, and they have yet to figure out that if I am heading towards them at about 12 miles an hour on that mower they need to forget about that cricket and take cover. But again, it is all about the bugs.
We divested ourselves of another pesky little rooster last night. I kind of hated to see him go, he was a very pretty bird, but I o not need (or want) roosters around here. The Danish Brown Leghorns have started to lay, I know that because they are the only chicks that lay white eggs. We are now getting brown, blue and white eggs, but still not getting very many. Hopefully production will pick up here in the next couple weeks.
I did get some chores done today. As already discussed, I got some grass cut, got the cattle fed, got the chicken coop cleaned and moved and organized a bunch of stuff that has been accumulating here and there. Miguel came out this morning and helped, and that is always good. It was cloudy for much of the morning but it was VERY humid, not too hot but it was hot enough for me. By the time we got finished I was exhausted and had to come in and take a nap.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, WHITE EGGS, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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