Here is your useless trivia for the day:
It is estimated that in the average workplace, over 50% of the time employees spend in meetings is WASTED!

If you take that and add the time spent cruising the Internet (not just the porn sites), then you have your answer to why we can't seem to get anything done! BUT, here is the deal. LIFE IS GOOD and I am (have been and continue to be) the luckiest guy in the world. I have lots to be thankful for (not the least of which is jelly beans). I know lots of great people, I have lots of wonderful colleagues, a wonderful home and family (the one we made, not the one I was born into). I was delighted to spend most of this week organizing things and reinforcing office procedures. You just have to make a few minutes every now and then to review/correct/update, so just put your head down and do it. Thanks for all your help with this Chris!
We are not sure of the exact cause, but Jody got five eggs today. My theory is that the two drag queen impersonating chickens (the roosters) are gone and the girls have relaxed (in a couple ways). So, we will see how long this lasts. We now have 29 girls (there could be another boy or two in the mix, only time will tell), but we should get at least 10 or 15 eggs a day from that flock. I hope we will be overrun with eggs before too much longer.
Tomorrow is my Meals-On-Wheels day, so that will be fun. Nothing really on the schedule yet for Friday.
Deeds, Actions, Changes, ORGANIZING, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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