"Hot enough for you today" but otherwise totally useless trivia for the day:
Why does it feel hotter when it is more humid? When the humidity is high, sweat doesn't evaporate as much, and so our body loses some of the cooling effect that the evaporation of sweat provides.

In my honest and humble opinion, it is not the heat, it is the stupidity! Other than that I have no strong opinions. The rain is done for the near term, the city is damp, everything is kind of gushy, and it was hot today after several days of below average temperatures. There are still some nice clouds in the sky here and there, but the sunshine is back and it heated everything up rather quickly. It is a good thing the rain has stopped, because most of us were right on the cusp of complaining about the rain and the lack of sunshine. We are never content with whatever it is that we have, always looking for something different and/or better. We all acknowledge that we need rain, but we would prefer nice steady showers that fill the lakes but really only while we are sleeping and not causing us any particular inconveniences. This is a photo of some clouds as observed from outside the Board Offices this afternoon. Kind of pretty...
The two cross dressing chickens have dates with a pillow case just after dark on Saturday night. Victor is going to stop by and take them; not sure if he will keep them or not, but if not he knows someone that might want them. OR they may become soup for someone. I know for sure, all the girls in that coop out there will not be sorry to see them go.
Here is another indictment of life at this edge of nowhere: I reported a couple days ago that there was a television series being filmed in Bartlett, and the fact that the city looked sort of 'economically disadvantaged (I am paraphrasing)' worked in the city's favor. Well, they are casting, and this is reported in this weeks copy of the Tribune Progress (Serving Central Texas Since 1886). "Although they will be casting all types, some specific types they are seeking include: frail men, women and children; heavily tattooed men and women; men and women with odd/interesting body modifications; jugglers and carnival sideshow acts..." Really? In Bartlett? If you think you qualify, go to
www.onlocationcasting.net and apply. What could it hurt?
Deeds, Actions, Changes, STUPIDITY, Kindnesses, Whirled Peas, FUN!
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